The Ketel One character map captures the spirit and personality of the Ketel One brand. It’s clear enough to guide anyone who helps make Ketel One special (managers, vendors, distributors, even writers and designers) but big-picture enough to allow individual interpretations and nuances appropriate to each person’s unique role in making Ketel One great.
First, it’s important to understand what a character map is not. It is not an identity manual, training manual or style guide that lays out specific rules to the last detail. A character map is more like a personal guide. A school analogy may help you understand the purpose of a character map and how it works.
The brand map is like a coach, not a teacher. A teacher dictates exactly what you need to know and do. A coach guides and motivates.
The PortraitSimple character map is a guide to the brand’s spirit and personality. It’s clear enough to guide anyone who helps make PortraitSimple special (associates, managers, vendors, writers and designers) and big-picture enough to allow individual interpretations and nuances appropriate to each person’s unique role in making PortraitSimple great.
It’s important to understand what a character map is not. It is not an identity manual, training manual or style guide that lays out specific rules to the last detail. A character map is more like a personal guide. It acts as a coach, not a teacher. A teacher dictates what you need to know and do. A coach guides and motivates.